Implement and Measure Progress

Steering Committee

The College of Human Medicine will form a Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) to oversee and guide the effort. The SPSC committee will consist of 6-8 members, who will meet quarterly to monitor progress on implementation. The SPSC will support coordination between implementation workgroups, advise implementation workgroups on consistency of their efforts with the spirit of the strategic plan, and work with the dean to ensure efforts are appropriately resourced. The SPSC will initially meet monthly through first quarter calendar year 2023 to finalize workplans and methods and determine appropriate measures of progress. The SPSC will also develop a communications plan to update the college and university of our efforts and initiatives. They will also help present success/progress to groups of constituencies of whom they are members.

Implementation Workgroups

Implementation workgroups formed by the strategic planning steering committee will drive different areas of the plan. The workgroups mirror the key strategic areas, the grand challenge and ongoing committee work focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion:

  • Health Equity Grand Challenge
  • Dean’s Advisory Committee on Diversity
  • Student Success
  • Staff and Faculty Success
  • Research and Scholarship
  • Healthy Communities

Five implementation workgroups consisting of 8-10 members each will be selected to ensure broad representation across the college, inclusive of the key constituencies and reflective of the diversity of our community. The dean will discuss workgroup membership with the SPSC to ensure equitable representation.

Methods and Indicators

During the plan development process, workgroups discussed indicators the college may use to track progress toward key goals (see draft list below). Implementation workgroups will propose a set of indicators, and an explanation of methods for collecting and analyzing them, during the first quarter of calendar year 2023. Final recommendations will be presented to the SPSC to identify areas of synergy and overlap across workgroups.


Student Success
Number of students paired with a mentor Number of URM students Student debt Graduation rate Step 1 Pass Rate Academic staff satisfaction/turnover


Faculty and Staff Success
Faculty/staff recruitment Faculty/staff retention New faculty and staff hired


Research and Scholarship
Number/number of submissions by type Number/amount awarded Percent connected to Health Equity ($/#) Number of publications by by type Research staff/faculty satisfaction and retention


Healthy Communities
Number of grads working in Michigan 

Number of grads working in underserved areas

Type of clinical practice of grads 

Clinical staff/faculty satisfaction and retention

Residency placement in partnering hospitals

Med school placement at partnering hospitals


Economic impact in community

  • Research
  • Clinical care
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